The saying goes: "We are all a bit crazy, ‘and doctors’ in something." Being a doctor, I say that it leads me one step closer to be crazy. And it's not little.
I've already written about my "delusion" saying that the Original Sin would have happened before the "Big Bang" (1, 2), that is, before the Big Bang, everything went wonderfully, until that famous sin was committed (who knows what catastrophe was that) and caused the fall of Man and of the entire universe, culminating in that dense point (singularity) that “exploded”, i.e., it began to expand. This can be roughly compared to “rebooting” a computer after it has malfunctioned; it returns to work a bit similarly the way before the event, but with glitches. The man appeared again after a painful evolution of the matter and, when he reached the thinking state, as today, he no longer had those “preternatural gifts”, for example. Those gifts are not within our context, they can only have existed in circumstances that we are not aware of. It fits well if it was before the Big Bang, doesn't it?
Delusion vs. delusion, please, leave me alone with mine. At least mine does not hurt doctrines, neither those of faith, nor those of our science.
The vicious circle of birth and death of all elements was established in the "reboot" of the universe. The pool of energy has become limited, beings depending on the death of each other to survive. In this predatory scenario, the evolution of species is inevitable, with its natural selection, that is, the one most adapted to the hostile circumstances of the environment, the most suitable to escape being killed, will prevail.
But all this delirium no longer causes any "frisson" in my synapses. I've had so many personal answers to my faith that I don't even think about it anymore. I'm turning into a real “pious” person, one of those very churchy ones, with folded hands and bowed head... and it's still not much, believe me.
So why repeat that whole Big Bang blabbering? Amazingly, it was because of Totoche, our kitten. In those social networking chats, someone asked me where she was. Then I started wondering if the animals also go to “Heaven”. Totoche was part of our happiness. She was very important in our life. She is worth some thought, no doubt.
I've already asked and tried to read about it before. Experts in the Catholic Church say no, because animals don't have souls, they don't go to “Heaven”.
Why not? If before the Big Bang (it seems that the delusion persists), in that state of things so perfect, there were animals in harmony with man (Genesis 2:19), why not after the rescue to Eternal Life? Okay, now I'm offside.
I'll end with a text that mentions Father Zezinho's statements that come in handy for all of this (see 3 - in Portuguese). One of them goes like this (explaining Saint Paul 1 Corinthians) : "One day we will know without the veils that keep us from seeing everything as it really is."
Related links:
(1) Excerpts
(3) Pe. Zezinho
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