segunda-feira, agosto 30, 2021

Health and Peace


Padre Eustáquio



August 30, we celebrate Father Eustaquio's day, religious name adopted by Hubertus (Huub) van Lieshout, a Dutchman who lived many years in Brazil as a missionary. He is venerated in Belo Horizonte, despite having spent a short time in the capital of Minas Gerais, from April 1942 to August 1943, when he died of a kind of Spotted fever, transmitted by ticks, according to what is known.

Missionaries are true heroes. Generally, they are sent by their congregations to places that are often inhospitable, for various reasons, to convert pagan populations. After studying philosophy and theology, he completed a short period of mission in Holland, being later dispatched, with two others, in 1925, to the wild corners of Minas Gerais. There he began his saga in Brazil, in a village called "Água Suja", where the people were "mostly of miners who lost everything as easily as they gained, and whose troubled life - often miserable - came from irreligiosity, dissolution and crime”, according to the words of Fr. Venâncio Hulselmans, in his book “Father Eustaquio van Lieshout SS.CC.”[1]

The book also says that the village “surprised the priests in many ways. They were amazed to see how those people, while possessing a devotion that bordered on enthusiasm, in particular to Our Lady of Abadia, had a conduct of life diametrically opposed to those feelings. It had to be changed." The priest came to suffer threats, but he was not intimidated, ending up taming the uncivilized, with vigor and virtue. He helped the unassisted population, with the use of leaves and roots that he himself collected and prepared to remedy ills. The fame of a miracle worker began to spread and, when his congregation decided to transfer him to São Paulo, the local population tried to prevent him from leaving.

In 1935, he was finally transferred to Poá, in São Paulo. There he continued to work healings and conversions, with his blessings of the waters and in the confessional. His fame increased so much that they started making a pilgrimage in the city, causing a lot of turmoil. For this reason, the authorities decided to remove him. Father Eustaquio even wrote a letter to the Archbishop of São Paulo, saying: "This is the holy vocation I feel in me: to relieve bodily pain in order to revive the shattered faith of our times." But he couldn't convince him. He was confined for a time in Rio de Janeiro, with the recommendation of Cardinal Sebastião Leme that his blessings be processed discreetly and without publicity for any extraordinary events. He was, for example, prohibited from curing paralytics.

It sounds like a joke, but it's not. Rather than evaluating the case cautiously, they simply set aside a person who was successfully converting thousands of people. What did the top of the Catholic Church finally want? Isn't that what Jesus told the apostles, that they would do wonders in His name?

Also in Rio, the crowd flocked to him, prompting Cardinal Leme to practically expel him from the city. He was sheltered by friends on a farm in the State of São Paulo and, finally, at the request of the Archbishop of Belo Horizonte, Dom Antônio dos Santos Cabral, he was transferred to Belo Horizonte in April 1942. By order of superiors, his apostolate was reduced , with limited hours. Even so, the people of Belo Horizonte received many blessings and many miracles are reported.

Many people from Belo Horizonte tell stories of the wonders that were operated through Father Eustaquio, with healings and conversions. The miracles continued and it seems that they are still being processed through him. Wherever he went, he left his mark of holiness, acclaimed by the people. He was beatified in 2006 and a process is underway for his canonization.

There are many cases told by the people about the "charismatic" personality of Father Eustaquio, who touched hearts, even in the smallest gestures. My father told us that he was once walking along a street in Belo Horizonte, with one of his brothers, when they saw, in the distance, Father Eustáquio, also on foot, going in the opposite direction. – Look, isn't he Father Eustaquio? – asked each other – We could go and ask for a blessing. Just then, the priest turned and made the Sign of the Cross towards them.

With my mother, who was also very devoted to him, there was a kind of manifestation in two dreams, some years after the priest's death. She had lost her first child, newborn, and dreamed of the priest telling her that she would lose a child. She said she had already lost one and asked if that was what he was talking about. He didn't answer, neither yes nor no.

Another interesting episode that happened to my parents, also in a dream. Father Eustaquio told my mother that she would have seven children. Without her having said anything about it, my father gave her a gift – I don't know if the next day, or days later: a piece of crockery with seven little painted children; and he asked if it wouldn't be a good number. She was impressed because it was the same number in the dream.

At that time, Catholic families did not avoid having children, no matter how many might be. Well, years later, after the production of the “factory” was finished, my mother remembered her dreams and found that they were right. She had seven children, counting the two who died as little ones. Yes, she had another one who died newborn – a little girl. Strange coincidences... Signs to help strengthen faith?

Father Eustaquio's traditional greeting was "Health and Peace - Health to your bodies, Peace to your souls." [4]


Related links :

Eustachius van Lieshout – Wikipedia

Catholic Saints Info – Blessed Eustaquio van Lieshout

Blessed Eustaquio van Lieshout

Vatican– Eustaquio Van Lieshout

In Nederlandse

Eustachius van Lieshout

In Portuguese :





Padre Eustáquio e Juscelino Kubitschek

Fonte do texto sobre Juscelino Kubitschek (página 3)

terça-feira, agosto 24, 2021

L'amour ricochant


Croix de chemin au 
Chemin du Roy, à Neuville


Nous avons tendance à penser que la conversion se fait en un clin d'œil, comme « tomber du cheval » – cela s'est produit avec le grand saint Paul, mais nous ne recevons pas tous cette grâce [1]. Nous devons toujours y travailler, car la conversion est souvent un processus quotidien que nous devons garder actif. Dans mon cas, du moins, c'est comme ça que ça marche. J'ai des périodes plus pieuses où je crois que ma foi et ma compréhension évoluent, tant bien que mal. D'autres fois, je reste stagnée.

Déjà âgée, j'ai découvert l'émerveillement d'avoir été consacrée à Notre-Dame lors de mon baptême. À un moment donné, j'ai ressenti le besoin de la vénérer et j'ai renouvelé l'acte de Consécration, selon la méthode Montfort [2]. J'ai reçu à profusion des signes et des consolations, défiant ma pétulance de considérer les coïncidences, c'est-à-dire de tout interpréter comme aléatoire.

Je ne peux pas omettre le fait que la croissance de ma dévotion mariale était due, en grande partie, aux leçons du prêtre Paulo Ricardo, m'incitant à rechercher d'autres lectures similaires, toujours à la recherche d'une plus grande compréhension de l'événement salvifique.

Au cours des dernières années, j'ai souvent ressenti dans mon cœur la douceur du Cœur Immaculé de Marie. Elle m'a conduit à Jésus. En raison de notre maigre intelligence et de la souffrance inhérente à ce monde, il est possible d'ouvrir des fenêtres qui nous permettent d'entrevoir le mystère surnaturel de la Rédemption, le mystère de l'Amour « ricochant ». Nous devons déverrouiller les fenêtres.

  • Que dire du divin « Assesseur » qui nous accompagne. Mon âme connaît mon Ange Gardien qui, invisible, est présent. Chacun de vous, priez pour le vôtre et vous le connaîtrez aussi.

Avec la souffrance de mon mari, sur son lit de mort, j'ai beaucoup souffert aussi. J'ai demandé à Notre-Dame d'ajouter notre douleur à celle de la Passion du Christ, de compter, bien qu'en fraction minime, dans le « capital des grâces » réservé à l'humanité. Et j'ai eu la grâce d'avoir de l'empathie avec sa souffrance et celle de son Fils en ces jours-là qui ont précédé la résurrection de Jésus.

Des petits détails peuvent servir de chemin pour atteindre de nouveaux sommets. Quand j'ai vu mon mari avec une porte-oxymètre autour de la tête, j'ai tout de suite fait l'association... "Couronne d'épines". J'ai vu Jésus à travers mon amoureux et je L'ai aimé, cet Amour ricochant – l'Amour du Christ pour nous permet de L'aimer en retour. Je L'ai « vu » en mon mari en souffrance. Et je L'ai aimé avec l'amour à mon mari, ce qui est comme m'aimer moi-même. Ce fut une leçon douloureuse.

Matthieu 22: 37 Tu aimeras le Seigneur ton Dieu de tout ton cœur, de toute ton âme et de tout ton esprit. 38 C'est le plus grand et le premier commandement. 39 Un second lui est égal: Tu aimeras ton proche comme toi-même.

Depuis ce temps, j'ai gardé cette association d'idées et compris, ne serait-ce que de manière précaire, l'immense Amour de Dieu pour l'humanité. J'apprends à aimer l'Homme Jésus, à notre mesure. Aimant Son Humanité, nous aimons Dieu en Lui, car Ses deux natures sont inséparables [3].

Bien sûr, j'ai aussi demandé à Notre-Dame que mon mari se rétablisse. Mais, finalement, le « rétablissement » s'est déroulé différemment de mes souhaits, c'est-à-dire en route vers l'au-delà... Dieu seul sait ce qui est le mieux pour nous.


Liens connexes:

[1] La conversion de Saint Paul

[2] Traité de la vraie dévotion à la Sainte Vierge

[3] L'union hypostatique

domingo, agosto 22, 2021

Rebounding Love


Croix de chemin au 
Chemin du Roy, à Neuville

We tend to think that conversion happens in a snap, like "falling off a horse" – this happened with the great Saint Paul, but not all of us receive this grace [1]. We always have to work towards this, as conversion is often a daily process which we need to keep active. In my case, at least, that's how it works. I have more pious periods where I believe my faith and understanding are evolving in some way. Other times, I'm kind of stagnant.

Already aged, I discovered the wonder of having been consecrated to Our Lady when I was baptized. At one point, I felt an urge to venerate her and I renewed the act of Consecration to her, using the Montfort method [2]. I have been receiving signals and consolations in profusion, challenging my petulance to consider coincidences, that is, to interpret everything as random.

I can't omit the fact that the increase in my Marian devotion was due, considerably, to the lessons of the priest Paulo Ricardo, inducing me to search for other similar readings, always looking for a greater understanding of the salvific event.

During the last few years I have often felt in my heart the sweetness of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She has been leading me to meet Jesus. Due to our meager intelligence and the suffering inherent in this world, it is possible to open windows that allow us to glimpse the supernatural mystery of the Redemption, the mystery of the “rebounding” Love. We need to unlock the windows.

  • What to say about the divine “Advisor” who accompanies us. My soul knows of my Guardian Angel who, invisible, is present. Each one of you, pray for yours and you will know too.

In my husband's suffering, on his deathbed, I suffered a lot too. I asked Our Lady to add our pain to that of the Passion of Christ, to count, albeit minimally, in the “capital of graces” reserved for the humanity. And I was given the grace to empathize with Her and Her Son's suffering in those days that preceded the Resurrection of Jesus.

Small details can serve as steps to reach new heights. When I saw my husband with an oximeter holder around his head, I immediately made the association... "Crown of Thorns". I saw Jesus through my beloved and I loved Him, that rebounding Love – the Love of Christ for us, which enables us to love Him back. I “saw” Him in my husband in pain. And I loved Him in the love to my husband, which is like loving myself. It was a painful lesson.

Matthew 22: 37 “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39 The second is like it: 23 You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Since that time, I have kept this association of ideas and understood, even if only precariously, the immense Love of God for humanity. I'm learning to love the Man Jesus, in our measure. Loving His Humanity, we love God in Him, for His two natures are inseparable [3].

Of course I also asked Our Lady for my husband to get well. But, finally, the “getting well” resulted different from my wishes, on his way to the beyond... Only God knows what's best for us.


Related links:

[1] The conversion of Saint Paul

[2] True devotion to Mary

[3] The hypostatic union

sexta-feira, agosto 13, 2021

Amor ricochete


Croix de chemin au 
Chemin du Roy, à Neuville



Costumamos pensar que a conversão se dá de um estalo, como "cair do cavalo" – isso aconteceu com o grande São Paulo, mas nem todos recebemos esta graça [1]. Temos que trabalhar para isso sempre, pois a conversão, em geral, é um processo diário que precisamos manter ativo. No meu caso, pelo menos, é assim. Tenho tido períodos mais fervorosos, nos quais percebo que minha fé e meu entendimento evoluem de algum modo. Em outras fases, fico como que estagnada.

Já idosa, descobri a maravilha de ter sido consagrada a Nossa Senhora, quando fui batizada. A um dado momento, senti um ímpeto de venerá-la e renovei o ato de Consagração a ela, pelo método Montfort.[2] Tenho recebido sinais e consolações em profusão, desafiando minha petulância em considerar coincidências, ou seja, interpretar tudo como sendo ao acaso.

Não posso omitir o fato de que o incremento na minha devoção mariana deveu-se, consideravelmente, às aulas do Padre Paulo Ricardo, induzindo-me à busca de outras leituras similares, sempre à procura de maior compreensão do evento salvífico.

Durante os últimos anos, senti muitas vezes, em meu coração, a doçura do Coração Imaculado de Maria. Ela vem me guiando ao encontro de Jesus. Pela nossa parca inteligência e pelo sofrimento inerente a este mundo, é possível abrirem-se janelas que deixam vislumbrar o mistério sobrenatural da Redenção, o mistério do Amor “ricochete”. É preciso destrancar as janelas.

  • O que dizer do “Assessor” divino que nos acompanha. Minha alma sabe do meu Anjo da Guarda que, invisível, se faz presente. Cada um de vós, rezai para o vosso e sabereis também.

No sofrimento do meu marido, no leito de morte, sofri muito também. Pedi a Nossa Senhora que a nossa dor se juntasse à da Paixão de Cristo, para contabilizar, ainda que infimamente, no “capital de graças” reservado à humanidade. E foi-me dada a graça de ter empatia com o sofrimento dEla e do Seu Filho, naqueles dias que precederam a Ressurreição de Jesus.

Pequenos detalhes podem nos servir de degraus para galgar novos patamares. Quando vi meu marido com um suporte para oxímetro em torno da cabeça, fiz a associação imediatamente... “Coroa de espinhos”. Vi Jesus através do meu amado e O amei, esse Amor ricochete – o Amor de Cristo por nós, que nos capacita a amá-lO de volta. Eu O “vi” no meu marido em sofrimento. E O amei no amor ao meu marido, que é como amar a mim mesma. Foi uma lição dolorosa.

Mateus 22: "37.Respondeu Jesus: “Amarás o Senhor, teu Deus, de todo o teu o coração, de toda a tua alma e de todo o teu espírito (Dt 6,5). 38.Esse é o maior e o primeiro mandamento. 39.E o segundo, semelhante a este, é: Amarás teu próximo como a ti mesmo (Lv 19,18)."

Desde esse tempo, tenho mantido essa associação de ideias e compreendido, mesmo que precariamente, o imenso Amor de Deus à humanidade. Estou aprendendo a amar Jesus Homem, nas nossas medidas. Amando sua Humanidade, amamos Deus nEle, pois suas duas naturezas são inseparáveis [3].

Claro que também pedi a Nossa Senhora para que meu marido ficasse bom. Mas, finalmente, o “ficar bom” foi para ficar melhor ainda... Desta para melhor. Só Deus sabe o que é melhor para nós.


Links relacionados:

[1] A conversão de São Paulo

[2] Consagração a Nossa Senhora

[3] União hipostática