sexta-feira, maio 03, 2019

Mother's Day

Versão em português
Version en français 
Mother's Day is just around the corner and this great role the woman continues playing to guarantee human existence must be celebrated! A mother is a mother every day, of course, but the underlined date helps us to celebrate that joy consubstantial with a greater Love that connects us all, for sure.
As primitive as it may be the process of bringing a child in the world, which places us in our due rank, in the animal kingdom - in spite of our intellectual flights, deluding ourselves in vain philosophies - the love of a father and a mother seems to be something that touches the transcendental, worthy of much respect and admiration.
It is never too much to talk about the beauty of this grandiose phenomenon of having children. This is a subject that will never be commonplace. In my opinion, Mother's Day and Father's Day deserve reverence.
The famous maternal love seems to be the strongest feeling in the universe we can "detect". This intimate contact with the reorganization of matter to form a being is an intense experience. Feeling these transformations occurring at her innards is a woman's privilege. Of course it must have some effect on her behaviour, even beyond the hormonal causes, impossible to escape unscathed from an experience of this magnitude.
It is easy to understand that we have a shock when we hear of crimes committed by parents against their children (as happened recently); it makes us so sad, precisely because it is a transgression of our nature. It is disheartening, but we can’t forget that the vast majority of mothers and fathers are kind and devoted; they take care of their children with great love and without fanfare.
I want to honour those people who are good example for others and deserve to be remembered, in order to give courage to humanity in keeping dignity in the world we live in... This world that is so helpless, in need of motherly love.
Health and long life for all mothers!
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