terça-feira, novembro 19, 2024

Lift up your hearts




I decided to write, here on my blog, about my literally "cordial" experiences, because I don't want this memory to be lost, and also to emphasize that I am not the only one. Recently, I discovered, while searching on the Internet, that a person I don't know is having this experience, described in the same way as mine, and, like me, she takes pictures of the hearts she sees. She also feels that it comes from "something bigger". She even wrote a book.

There are always similar ones, there is no point in thinking that we have any special privilege or originality. When we decide to share our good or bad quirks, countless similar cases appear. It is always good to know that it does not only happen to us.

I thought the first heart that appeared to me was that drop of water in the photo illustrating this page, which I saw on the wooden board in my kitchen while I was doing the dishes. In fact, it was the first to which I attributed a precise meaning and, from then on, all the others came like this — almost always as an answer. This “apparition” took place on May 26, 2015, I have never forgotten this date. I will not explain everything here, but I can say that I believe in a supernatural intervention. I have strong reasons to believe this, in addition to corresponding to the period in which I began to dedicate myself to daily prayers, including readings and the rosary.

While looking through my files, looking for a photo of myself in Brazil, I came across a little heart that I didn't remember, from a visit I made to my mother, who was sick, in February 2013. It was on the sidewalk of Aimorés Street, at the intersection with Getúlio Vargas Avenue, Contorno and Grão Pará Street (in Belo Horizonte). It was so perfect that I took a picture with my iPod (click or tap the image to enlarge it).

But it was from that of 2015 that I began to see many hearts on everything that exists: countless drops of water, snow, cement, food, different types of materials; even a heart-shaped Sun appeared to me, in a very particular circumstance. In the case of the Sun, I saw the heart through the photo I took of the Sun on the skyline, because I do not look at it directly (Prière à Saint Antoine).

They are all perfect. I think they are not like pareidolia, in which we have the impression of seeing a shape among other shapes. They are really precise hearts. I am not used to looking at the clouds to see the images they form, but I have also seen them in the sky, on the reflection of the window of my car, when I was arranging my hair in the wind.

They appear when I don't think about it. When I look for them, I don't find them. It seems to show me that I'm not making this happen, it's not me who calls the shots.

The feeling I get when I see my hearts is truly “cordial,” heartwarming, blessedly sweet.

Cordial, Collins Dictionary


O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here; ever this day be at my side, to light and to guard, to rule and to guide. Amen.


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