sexta-feira, novembro 29, 2019


Église de Saint-André
Em português
En français

A new priest is celebrating Mass in our parish. A new senior. Partly bald, the rest of the hair already completely white. Maybe he is my age – we see the others older. Good-humored, chubby, happy, he is the kind of priest who likes to sing and also to address the people at the time of the wishes for the "Peace of Christ", shaking hands of everyone sitting closer to the central corridor of the church; something I had seen before only in Brazil.
A certain peace – I do not know if the one we wish – really sets in during his celebrations. We are plunged into a relaxation that causes anxiety in the hurried – I admit that I had to control myself to not look at my watch from time to time. After all, Mass does not last longer than regular time; he speaks less, making up for long pauses for reflection.
The long silences were reinforced by a background noise, a continuous and modulated sound. After a quick scan of the environment with my eyes, looking for the source of the noise to exclude the possibility of tinnitus in my head, I attributed the sound to the ceiling fans. I finally succumbed to the silences; I went into a state near to torpor which, with the help of the sound effect, transported me to my night shifts in the hospitals where I worked.
At night, sounds that we do not notice during the day come to life and become part of the silence. They are hospital equipment, refrigerators, lighting... sound modulations that inhabit the insomnia of the profession, from time to time broken by steps in the corridor, someone who coughs, people speaking in a low voice, a ringing phone, an ambulance coming. This at best, when crying and moaning can be calmed.
Our friendly priest was wisely taking us there as his patients in this huge general hospital where we live. He was helping us to deal with our ills, to fight for the Life of our soul, with patience and dedication. The best thing is to do like him: pacify, offer good treatment, without hurry. Our life is already so short, why should we run?

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