segunda-feira, novembro 30, 2020

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal




Of course, it is essential to educate ourselves, so as not to fall into the abyss of ignorance. But I don't know if it is possible to acquire faith only through the ways of science or philosophy, including theology. It was not my case. At least, the science did not hinder the little seed that was planted in my heart. The science doesn’t hinder the faith.

Probably it must have delayed my dedication to faith – better late than never. Or, perhaps, during that time I was always studying, deep inside science, and having direct contact with suffering and dying people, I was being prepared, in some way.

The fact is that I have learned so much how to pray, in the past few years; I have received many graces and, above all, I accepted this truth much greater than us, with humility and respect. It is indescribable.

On November 27 we celebrate the day of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal [1]. We don't need to search long time to learn about so many graces received by so many people! This is a reinforcement for our faith. Social networks show us many testimonies. In the past, I viewed these testimonies with skepticism; I found psychological and scientific reasons for the reports. This "scientific" disbelief is very useful, obviously; the Church itself is strict, scientifically. But I confess that I am much more open to accept the incomprehensible, having already experienced concrete, inexplicable facts, myself.

I recommend, to anyone who is interested in entering this ineffable world of faith, to seek the help of Our Lady, Mother of God and ours (believe me, this “pious” language is a direct consequence of the minimum experience we can have in faith, it is not a mushy exaggeration). She takes us to Jesus with unspeakable sweetness. Theologically speaking, I take the words of the Second Vatican Council document, Lumen Gentium (62), in CCC 969 [2b]: "This motherhood of Mary in the order of grace continues uninterruptedly from the consent which she loyally gave at the Annunciation and which she sustained without wavering beneath the cross, until the eternal fulfillment of all the elect. Taken up to heaven she did not lay aside this saving office but by her manifold intercession continues to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation . . . . Therefore the Blessed Virgin is invoked in the Church under the titles of Advocate, Helper, Benefactress, and Mediatrix."

In addition to the references I have already mentioned in the course of my brief text, I add other related links, below, which will certainly be clearer and wiser than my words.

"O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."


Related links:

[1] The Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

[2a] Mary's Role in God's Plan for Our Salvation (Redemption)

[2b] LG 62, CCC 969

[3] What Is the Hypostatic Union?

[4] Understanding Catholic Devotion to Mary

[5] True Devotion to Mary by Saint Louis de Montfort

[6] Act of Consecration to Mary

[7] Pandemic: how do we pray?

[8] Tha apparitions and the miraculous medal

[9] Soliloquy

[10] Principles of Mariology


domingo, novembro 29, 2020

Nossa Senhora das Graças




Claro que é imprescindível instruir-se, para não cair nos abismos da ignorância. Mas não sei se é possível adquirir fé somente pelos caminhos da ciência ou da filosofia, incluindo a teologia. No meu caso, pelo menos, não foi. As ciências em que me meti, pelo menos não atrapalharam a sementinha que foi plantada em meu coração. Não atrapalham.

Provavelmente, devem ter retardado a dedicação que tenho agora à fé – antes tarde do que nunca. Ou, talvez, esse tempo em que me dediquei a tantos estudos científicos e ao contato direto com o sofrimento e com a morte das pessoas tenha-me preparado, de alguma forma.

O fato é que tenho aprendido muito a rezar, de uns anos para cá; tenho recebido muitas graças e, sobretudo, aceitado, com humildade e respeito, esta verdade muito maior do que nós. É indescritível.

Dia 27 de novembro foi dia de Nossa Senhora das Graças, da Medalha Milagrosa [1]. Nem precisamos pesquisar muito para tomar conhecimento de tantas graças recebidas, por tanta gente! Isso é um reforço para a nossa fé. As redes sociais nos mostram muitos testemunhos. Antigamente, eu encarava esses testemunhos com ceticismo, encontrava explicações psicológicas e científicas para os relatos. Essa descrença “científica” é muito útil, obviamente; a própria Igreja é rigorosa, cientificamente. Mas confesso que estou muito mais aberta a aceitar o incompreensível, já tendo eu própria experimentado fatos concretos, inexplicáveis.

Aconselho, a quem esteja interessado a entrar nesse mundo inefável da fé, a procurar o auxílio de Nossa Senhora, Mãe de Deus e nossa (não se iluda, esse linguajar “piedoso” é consequência direta da mínima vivência que possamos ter na fé, não é exagero piegas). Ela nos leva a Jesus com doçura inenarrável. Teologicamente falando, tomo as palavras do Pe. Paulo Ricardo [2]: “Por um desígnio especial, [a Virgem Santíssima] foi escolhida por Deus para trazer ao mundo o Seu Filho. E Deus não muda. É por ela, portanto, que Jesus continua a ser gerado ao longo da história.”... “A Virgem Maria faz parte da misteriosa economia salvífica de Deus.

Além das referências que já citei no correr do meu breve texto, acrescento outros links relacionados, abaixo, que serão, certamente, mais claros e mais sábios do que minhas palavras.

Ó Maria concebida sem pecado, rogai por nós que recorremos a Vós.


Links relacionados:

[1] Capela Nossa Senhora da Medalha Milagrosa - Rue du Bac

[2] Atuação da Virgem Maria

[3] O que é a união hipostática?

[4] Que culto devemos à Virgem Maria

[5] Tratado da verdadeira devoção à Santíssima Virgem Maria

[6] Consagração a Nossa Senhora

[7] Em tempos de pandemia: por que rezamos?

[8] Nossa Senhora das Graças e a Medalha Milagrosa

[9] Solilóquio

[10] Curso de Mariologia: Consagração total a Nossa Senhora

sexta-feira, novembro 13, 2020

The lamp oil




Last Sunday's Gospel left me speechless [1]. I became thoughtful and, why not say it, postponed a necessary meditation. I have always been intrigued by this Gospel. It was therefore only Thursday, four days later, that I was able to better understand why the five wise virgins did not share their oil with the others and why the latter, said to be foolish, were rejected.

The homily I listened to at Mass (on TV) had already given the necessary explanations [2], but I had to read the text of Father Paulo Ricardo – in Portuguese [3]. He always helps me, with his unique didactic exegesis. I found a wonderful explanation too, in the words of Pope Francis [4].

The subject is perfect for the times we live in, with the Coronavirus pandemic. We don't know if we will get away with it, if we will get the disease, and if so, how our body will react. Are we ready to go through the "door"? Like the virgins of the gospel, we await the arrival of the Lord, each of us, but we do not know when He will arrive.

Our oil is what we have with us to nourish our faith, to keep it alight in order to glorify the Lord. We cannot give to others what we cultivate in ourselves, deep inside. We can give advice, just like the wise virgins. We must be present with our faith, when we are called, so that we are “recognized”.

 Through intelligence we learn about God, and by will we are ready to use intelligence in order to deepen our faith. I invite you to read the text [4], where we can find inspired teachings.

I'll stop here, so as not to interfere with the meditation reading the links below.


Related links:

[1] St. Matthew, 25: 1-13

[2] Homélie du 8 novembre 2020

[3] Por que perdemos o "óleo" da devoção?

[4] 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time