quinta-feira, agosto 15, 2019

The Universe is wonderful

Em português
En français 
I am so grateful. I receive so many great little kind signals of Divine Mercy every day! And each such moment brings me immense consolation. I need to train my heart to be sweet - it's hard! I have to train a lot, because it is very difficult to feel I am nothing, but in this assumed misery, I can experience an incalculable comfort He gives us, sometimes in a fraction of a second that fills our soul with pleasure - they really are enjoyments of the spirit - and I become happy for the rest of the day. Of course, this won't fix nature, either inside or outside me. But it gives encouragement to remain firm, trying to improve, despite so much suffering.
Sometimes we think the world and ourselves are too bad. Many people wonder, with astonishment, how to believe a doctrine that says this is the work of God's goodness?
I believe because I accept that the universe, in which we live, including our own configuration, with the form of life we ​​know, in this painful and suffering evolution, is really our second chance. Everything is imperfect and corrupt, as in a vicious circle, because of the famous Original Sin - whatever it is - which I like to call "Big Bug", as in computer problems (1, 2). Still, it is God's gift to us, so that we can have the opportunity to choose the True Way.
Conclusion: The Universe is WONDERFUL! It is our sacred passport! The choice belongs to us: through Him, with Him, in Him. I try to visualize Jesus' eyes when they were opening at the moment of the Resurrection - the energy of this event is unimaginable! - still with that sadness because of death so suffered, but being filled with the brightness of Life... Pure love as Grace for us (3). 
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