sábado, junho 16, 2018

Hi, fathers, it is your turn!

(Father's Day in Canada is on the third Sunday of June)
Version en français
Yes, it's their turn – we are celebrating fatherhood. And it is not their wives, their mothers-in-law or their fathers-in-law who have the floor for this day, nor their mothers or their fathers. It's the voice of children we want to listen to! Well... everyone has a father, that's right. We are all in the same basket. Let's celebrate!
Some people did not have a good experience with their fathers, it's sad. But it is time to give good examples.
I am already a child of yesteryear, if we can say it. I was born in the middle of the last century... Ouch! It was in the time when the father was the "purveyor" and the mother stayed at home. But my dad was very present, my parents shared responsibilities with love, they respected each other. We never saw a quarrel between them; we were lucky too because they were very demanding with us. But it should always be like that for everyone, the opposite is not correct, in my opinion.
Western civilization has changed a lot. The number of women working outside the home has increased enormously, and I would say that there are almost no more "housewives", an expression that has become almost obsolete. With the exception of the maternity leave period, both father and mother are present at home – or absent – for a similar length of time. So, it's okay that they share housework and activities with children and it is happening more and more often.
We are still in a transition phase, though; behaviour in society does not change from one day to the next. We have to be patient, everyone will adapt to the new life demands, including dads. No need to harass them, especially not in front of children. This is a lack of respect. Children do not learn the best way when they are the pivot of quarrels. It is by the example that we learn. My brothers are extremely dedicated fathers and I believe the example of my parents played a big role in it, in addition to their own merit, of course.
It is also negative to want fathers to perform tasks in the same way as mothers. Each person has his/her own characteristics; acting differently does not mean that it is not correct, especially if the result is as good.
So, take it easy! We have to encourage them with beautiful compliments for their good performances. Nobody works well under pressure all the time. Overdose of feminism is counterproductive and will eventually drive away the men who could be allies of the cause. This applies to all scales, at home too.
Long live to dads! Happy Father's Day!

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