domingo, outubro 11, 2015

Brazilian way

We often say that we, Brazilians, have a special way to do everything, which is called in Portuguese “jeitinho brasileiro”. Many people use it to do good things. But also many people use it to do bad things. Even when we try to follow a model, things never go out the expected way. Of course not, this infamous "Brazilian way" often induces people to get advantage where they should not. Just see how capitalism works in Brazil. You don’t need to be expert on the subject, just walk in the streets and see what happens in construction, for example, the myriad of workers in precarious conditions and receiving a derisory salary. Because of this, among other reasons, our country is labeled underdeveloped; or "developing country", to be politically correct.
Today, in capitalism of the most advanced countries, workers have a much better life and are aware of the role they play.
And don’t tell me that capital is lacking, and that it is concentrated in transnational "empires". After knowing the magnitude of money circulating in the dirty tricks of our Latin American republics, as we have seen in Brazil, don’t keep blaming developed countries, labelling them as "imperialists", as if they were responsible for the poverty in our countries. They are not stealing what our workers produce, not them. Our own politicians, governments and businessmen are doing it, depriving our people of having a better life.
Whatever the purpose, nothing can justify that. This vicious corruption is an abominable step backward that stubbornly persists in the minds of many people. Seduced by the vile metal, those people sell themselves to any government or politician who wants to use them as an instrument for their strategies. As long as narrow-minded people prevail, no good action will succeed.
We have the recent example of this political party in power for over a decade, raising a leftist flag, and basically nothing changed. To make matters worse, it commits and allows others to commit acts of populism and corruption in proportions never seen before. Concurrent with the damage being inflicted on the nation, it allows the "symbolic" action of hunting the corrupt. This drama is running in front of an increasingly confused audience, devoid of representatives to help.
Opportunists are more likely to act and weaken those who are already weak, performing an unspeakable massacre in places where people are more ignorant, where education is missing. It is a naive belief that what is wrong is the economic system. When honesty to comply with the rules of the game is missing, either on the right or on the left, nothing can improve. There is no theory that can be put in place; there is no regime or system that survives, when there is corruption coupled with ignorance. This situation favors the maintenance of oppressive conditions for disadvantaged people.
Changes are needed, of course, starting by the abolition of corruption, because nothing works well. I still believe in the education of the people as the best solution and I think it should be considered as a matter of considerable concern. Positive results would appear soon, like improvements in the mind-set of the people.

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