A project called “Memorial Inumeráveis”, led by artist Edson Pavoni and social entrepreneur Rogério de Oliveira, and other collaborators who have joined, according with I read on the internet, is underway.
Inez Werneck told me about it. She is a psychologist, a lovely and admirable person. I have the privilege of always being in contact with her, every day, also with her husband, my dear cousin-brother José Carlos. They help me enormously in these difficult times I am going through. Long live the Internet which allows us to communicate!!!
It's worth watching the video at the link she pointed out to me:
Viver o luto (in Portuguese)
In this video, Edson Pavoni talks about his project and Cris Guerra talks about the book she wrote for her son, on a similar principle, which is to personalize the numbers that represent the deceased. The idea is to get us out of the anesthesia caused by the COVID-19 death figures presented every day; it is to show us that these are people with their own history, who have loved and have been loved. With her book, Cris Guerra wants to make the father known by his son, born after his death; to show him a father living in memory. Better watch the video, for those who want to know more.
Emphasizing that someone was not just a number, that it was someone who was loved, within a context, made me think about what we learn in the Catechism and in the Scriptures, that God love us, each of us, individually, with our peculiarities. While I am in a phase of trying to have more faith and love for God, I see everything in a different sight.
In short, I understand the initiative of this “Inumeráveis” project as an example of what we mean to be “in the image and the likeness”. Yes, this memorial seeks to distinguish everyone, individually, with their history and circumstances, so that they are not anonymous figures. It seems to be a divinely inspired impulse.
When I said, at the beginning, that I am going through difficult times, I am talking about my grief, because my husband recently passed away. It was not because of COVID-19, it does not apply to the memorial. In my case, the shock of reality occurred when I filled out the census form of Canada, carried out during this month of May 2021. The fact of omitting his presence has increased my pain, which was already intense. He is so present in my story and that of so many people.
My husband was not someone who went unnoticed, he had a remarkable presence, just as strong was his personality. He had strength of will, determination and dedication. He vigorously defended what he deemed right, he was open-minded and sincere. Sometimes misunderstood. He was loved very much and he loved as much, if not more. Always in a good mood, he didn’t allow himself to be weakened morally by anything.
And according with what his sister has written so beautifully about him, in tribute to him, he loved freedom, among other things. I have reason to believe that he continues to be very special wherever he is now, totally free from the ties of this world.
I prayed a lot for him, I asked the Virgin Mary I wanted him to be in good health, not to suffer too much. Finally, I asked what was best for him in this world; if he had to go, I prayed that he would be saved for eternity and a good moment of passage, supported by Saint Joseph.
The Virgin Mary, mediator, has an indescribable sweetness. When we really open our hearts to the graces and consolations, we get them – I got a lot. To calm my mind, she pointed out to me, through everyday signs, that my husband was already very much loved, with a marked presence also on the other side. Not fantastic signs in themselves, but perceptible to the heart.
The memorial of humanity is immense, filled with beloved creatures. And it is in the hope of reunion, in the glory of the Father, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, that I strengthen myself to face the grief! The reunion is unimaginable – all the energy of the universe accumulated in the love of all of us in unison – much more beautiful than the blue of our blue love.
Skeptics will say I've gone mad. And I'll say... Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen...
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L'amour est bleu